The Chevening Scholarships programme started in 1984. It was
originally called the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Scholarships and
Awards Scheme. A few years later the name was changed to Chevening -
Chevening House in the Sevenoaks District of Kent, which is currently the joint official residence of the
Foreign Secretary and the
Deputy Prime Minister.
Chevening Scholarships are for talented people who have been
as potential future leaders across a wide range of fields including
politics, business, the media, civil society, religion and academia.
Most scholars undertake a one year master’s degree.
In the current academic year there are over 500 Chevening scholars
at universities across the UK. The programme is mainly funded by the
Foreign and Commonwealth Office, with some contributions from Higher
Education Institutions and other partners in the UK.
Embassies and High Commissions also have partnership agreements with a
wide range of overseas sponsors including governmental and private
sector bodies. The programme is managed in UK and overseas by the
British Council through a Service Level Agreement.
An opportunity to begin building a relationship with the UK in fields that interest you
Hints and tips on how to apply for Chevening scholarships
Find out who to contact about applying for a Chevening Scholarship
Find out about the networking opportunities available to Chevening scholars and fellows